
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Young girl standing on beach, playing with dog

Stop Nipping

Solutions for a dog who nips, whether he’s nipping in fear, excitement, annoyance – or because it’s part of his genetic inheritance! (We’re looking at you, herding breeds!)
Woman running with dog to workout during morning walk

Types of Dog Training

Clicker training, positive reinforcement training, balanced dog training. . . . What do these terms mean, and what’s the best way to train your dog?
A dog gate can keep your dogs confined without the need for a crate or a kennel.

Visitor at the Door? Use a Dog Gate

Using indoor dog gates can quickly transform those chaotic moments when people come to your door into calm ones – and gates have many other dog-management uses, too.

How to Teach a Dog “Place”

“Place training,” or teaching your dog to go to a certain spot on cue, or at a certain time, is easy and invaluable.

How to Teach a Dog to Shake (Paw)

Shaking hands – offering a polite paw – is one of the most popular and endearing tricks in the dog world. And it’s easy to teach your dog!
Close up of young woman using smartphone while walking her dog at the park

Beware When Hiring a Dog Trainer

Are you wondering how to find a dog trainer? Be aware that no education, experience, certification, or license is required to be a dog trainer.
Beagle dog in fall park, peeing

How to Housetrain Your Adult Dog

If you adopt an adult dog, it may be that she arrives in your home with zero experience at living indoors, or a medical problem. Here are tips for potty training an adult dog.

How to Teach a Dog to Heel

Your dog’s ability to walk next to you on a loose leash can determine whether you enjoy your daily dog walks. Here is how to train your dog to heel.
Man walking dog

Tips For Dog-Walking Etiquette

Unwritten rules—and sometimes written laws—help dictate how to keep you and your dog safe while walking.
dog winter portrait

Boundary Training

How to train your dog to stay in your yard (and how it should not be done)

Fido, Clean Your Room!

How to teach your dog to pick up his toys and put them away.
diane pach

Is Dog Agility Right for You and Your Dog?

It’s easy to start dog agility training right at home – all you need are a few jumps and the right attitude.

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Exploring Breed and Behavior

In my experience, it’s possible to make some guesses about future behavior based on the breed of the dog, the temperament of the parents, the skills that run in the genetic line, and so on. If there is one thing that growing up around a breeding kennel has taught me though, it’s that every dog is an individual.