
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Home Food Nutrition


Boy sneaking dog food from the table

My Dog Is Not Eating

If your dog won’t eat, you have a small window of time to evaluate the situation, The better you know your dog, the easier it is to decide if it is something serious or just a phase.
Dog food with probiotics can help support your dog's health.

Dog Food With Probiotics

Probiotics work best with consistent, long-term use, at the proper dosing amount. Having them already incorporated into the diet ensures your dog receives them with every meal and takes the guesswork out of proper dosing.
Dogs can eat rice and its a staple bland food to feed a dog with an upset dog.

Can Dogs Eat Rice?

The long and the short of it is – yes, dogs can eat rice. Cooked white rice is traditionally fed to dogs with an upset...
Dogs can eat french fries. However, this isn't a healthy snack for them.

Can Dogs Eat French Fries?

Fries are also usually doused in salt, another potentially problematic ingredient. While a little salt is OK for dogs, a lot of salt can lead to severe dehydration and sodium poisoning.
Chicken is the most common source of protein for dog food, meaning chicken free dog food is a tough find.

Chicken-Free Dog Food

The the number of chicken-free dog foods is small relative to the number of dog foods overall as its wide use in dog food manufacturing can lead to cross contamination of dog foods whose recipes are chicken free.
Dogs can eat cat food without adverse health risks.

Can Dogs Eat Cat Food?

If your dog snatches a little cat food occasionally, his biggest risk is getting a swat on the nose from your irritated cat.
Dogs can eat vegetables and many may prefer them to other treats.

Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?

Can dogs eat vegetables? Yes, dogs can eat vegetables. Dogs can eat celery, and carrots are especially good for dogs. Dogs can eat broccoli,...
Can dogs eat berries? Not only can dogs eat berries but many berries are a healthy treat they love.

Can Dogs Eat Berries?

Many berries are a delicious and nutritious addition to our dogs’ regular food and as a treat the enjoy whether fresh or frozen,
Low protein dog food is one of many prescription foods for pets pictured here in a display.

Low Protein Dog Food

Many dogs are prescribed low-protein diets to alleviate kidney workload, help with gastrointestinal issues or kidney disease. However, protein is vital to a dog's health and there is dog food that is low in protein, and dog food with really low protein.
Cute older dappled Dachshund With Paralyses Legs Eating Pet Food At The Kitchen And Looking At Camera.

Kidney Diet for Dogs

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) allows waste products and toxins to build up in the body as kidney function decreases. Diet can help mitigate symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.
Sheepdog sniffing butter on kitchen table

Can Dogs Have Butter?

Although butter is not toxic to dogs, it can make them sick if they ingest large amounts.
portrait of a cute purebred puppy chihuahua eating fruit

What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs?

There are many foods that are toxic to dogs. Watch what your dog eats, and if you’re not sure and see signs of poisoning, get to a veterinarian immediately or call a poison control center.

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Tips for Dog Owners Near a Disaster Zone

Could you evacuate your home 15 minutes from now, with everything you would need to live with your pets in a hotel for a few days, weeks, or months? What if you had an hour’s notice?