How To Entertain Your Dog at Home
It can be a challenge to figure out what to do to keep a dog happy and engaged when you—and the dog—are stuck at...
Is Your Puppy Ruining Your Family Dinners?
Puppies begging for food are adorable, but begging at every meal will quickly drive puppy owners a little crazy. Here are some effective ways to stop puppies from begging and reinforce good behaviors instead.
What to Do with a Dog that Bites Their Owner
Living with a dog that bites their owner, or other people for that matter, can be scary, stressful and in some cases - dangerous....
Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?
It’s something we all know: our dogs wag their tails because they’re happy. Because they’re thrilled to see us. Because they love us. But it turns out that what we “know” may not be the truth. Or it may be only part of the truth.