
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

What you do with a dog that bites their owner depends on the dog and what is driving the biting.

What to Do with a Dog that Bites Their Owner

Living with a dog that bites their owner, or other people for that matter, can be scary, stressful and in some cases - dangerous....

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?

It’s something we all know: our dogs wag their tails because they’re happy. Because they’re thrilled to see us. Because they love us. But it turns out that what we “know” may not be the truth. Or it may be only part of the truth.

How to Groom a Dog

While it can seem daunting at first, learning the basics of how to groom a dog is well within reach for many dog owners.
Knowing how to entertain your dog at home whether you're working or on a rainy is an important life skill.

How To Entertain Your Dog at Home

It can be a challenge to figure out what to do to keep a dog happy and engaged when you—and the dog—are stuck at home. For me, the thing that most often keeps me...
Popcorn isn't necessarily bad for dogs, but it's not good for them either.

Is Popcorn Bad for Dogs?

If you want to share popcorn with your dog, choose a few pieces of plain—no flavors or salts—popcorn that is air-popped. Most brands of popcorn include a lot of salt and fat and your dog does not need salt or fat in his diet.
The main cause of puppy bad breath is their diet of mother's milk.

Causes of Puppy Bad Breath

Puppies have a distinct smell to their breath that usually fades by the time they turn 6 months old. But why does puppy breath smell bad?
Dog ear muffs protect against more than cold weather. They also

Dog Ear Muffs Provide Hearing Protection

Dog ear muffs provide more than protection against the cold. They are also dog ear protection that can muffle fireworks and protect hearing.
Dogs dig for a variety of reasons, instincts, stress, or just because they enjoy it.

Why Do Dogs Dig?

Are dogs digging in search of invasive creatures like gophers and voles? Are they doing it because perhaps once upon a time, a bone was buried there? Are they doing it just because it’s fun, like a child digging in a sandpile? It may be all of the above.
When your dog is drooling a lot it can be for behavioral, structural, or medical reasons.

When Dog Drool is More Than Just Gross

Dogs drool. Some just drool a little once in a while, while others drool a lot. Some dogs are also just plain built to drool. Drooling can happen for structural, behavioral, and medical reasons.
The flehmen response in dogs is a reaction to new or unique smells.

Flehmen Response in Dogs

It is possible that a dog who is panting more out of interest or excitement rather than fatigue may be using that open-mouth tongue-out posture to bring more air past Jacobson’s organ to help identify a smell.
Calm a scared shaking dog with a calm presence and soothing words.

How to Calm a Scared Dog

You are your dog’s person, his caretaker and partner in life. When he is scared, he will naturally look to you for comfort. Your job in these situations is to stay calm and be his rock.
Be BiteSmart aims to keep kids and dogs safe by educating kids about dog body language and preventing bites.

Be BiteSmart: Teaching Children to Speak Dog

Without proper education and supervision, children (and adults, too) can—in all innocence and with the best of intentions—put a dog in a position where the dog feels like her only recourse is to bite.
It can be difficult to discern a minor dog cyst vs tumors that are a

Is That a Cyst or a Tumor?

A “cyst” is a capsule that usually has fluid in it, although it can have air as well. “Tumor” is a general term, basically a generic swelling or mass.
You can use human shampoo on a dog. Dish soap is also an option.

Can You Use Human Shampoo on Dogs?

For a normal dog who doesn’t have atopic dermatitis or any other skin irritation, you can use human hair shampoo to bathe your dog.

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“Save Me! I Have Only a Day To Live!”

Euthanasia lists are not an answer to overcrowded shelters. Animals adopted just to save them often end up neglected, or back in the shelter system.