
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Canine Stem Cell Therapy

At this time last year I didn’t know stem cell therapy for animals was a thing. While searching for a job where I could...

Ringworm Isn’t Either

Ringworm is not a worm. Nor is it always ring-shaped. This misnomer of a term derived from an early inaccurate belief that the infection...

Behavioral Probiotics

The gut’s primary job is complicated and critical – extracting nutrients from food and moving waste products out of the body – it’s a...

Does Your Dog Have a Mold Allergy?

One of the most common skin diseases that develop in dogs is atopic dermatitis. Most of these cases are caused by allergies to substances...
help my dog lose weight

How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight

In 2013, the American Medical Association defined obesity in humans as a disease. The veterinary medical profession is also pushing to have obesity in...

Be Prepared For Any Canine Medical Emergency

Tico came running in from the backyard shaking his head. I noticed something was flying off him and I calmly wondered what he was...

Tooth Root Resorption

There are many possible causes of dental disease in dogs including plaque accumulation, tooth trauma, genetic predispositions, cavities, and cancerous conditions. In recent years,...

To Neuter, or Not to Neuter Your Dog: That is the Question

There are any number of third-rail topics that occasionally electrify the conversationally unwary dog owner: Grains or grain-free? Dewclaw removal, cropped ears and tails,...

Stomach Ulcers in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Anyone who has ever had an ulcer (or the heartburn indicating that an ulcer is developing) knows the discomfort that ulcers cause. Yet few recognize the same symptoms in their dogs!

Pain’s Effect on Behavior

Behavior problems such as anxiety or aggression are commonly diagnosed in pet dogs, and, as many dog owners have discovered, can be quite challenging...

Warning Signs Before Starting Canine Massage Therapy

When you contact a massage practitioner about your dog, one of the first questions she should ask you is whether and when your dog...

Canine Massage Case Reports

Aimee Johnson of Little Bear Animal Massage ( in St. Paul, MN, reports: One of my clients is a 13-year-old German Shepherd Dog, Izzy,...

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Stop looking for (or giving!) health and training advice from strangers...

Tobacco and carrots are not good for deworming a dog. This and other advice that you get from online forums and message groups is probably best discarded in favor of advice from a reputable source.