Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Dogs
Rocky Mountain spotted fever can cause blood vessel wall damage leading to small hemorrhages in a dog's eyes and gums. It can also cause organ damage.
Can Dogs Get Pink Eye?
Technically yes, dogs can get pinkeye from humans, but it’s rare. Most of the causes of conjunctivitis are not contagious even within the same species.
Why Is My Dog Losing Weight?
Environmental issues can cause a dog to stop eating and be easily fixed. Dental or medical issues can also cause weight loss and need professional assistance to resolve.
Dramamine for Dogs
Dramamine, a brand name for the drug dimenhydrinate, is an antihistamine that is used off-label in many dogs for vestibular problems, including carsickness and...
Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) in Dogs
Causes of osteochondritis dissecans are plentiful. Diet and genetics are a factor, and combine these with high energy puppy play and the stage is set for development of ocd later in life.
Hookworm in Dogs
Hookworm in dogs is a nasty parasite that can coexist with an adult dog for quite sometime, and spread. Recognizing the signs of hookworm infection is the best way to protect your dog, and other dogs too.
Finding Dog Lymph Node Locations
There are over 400 lymph nodes in your dog but only a few are close enough to the skin’s surface to be observed. Though few, these key nodes are important indicators of illness.
Ear Mites in Dogs
Ear mites in dogs cause an inflammatory reaction in their ear canals. The glands that line your dog’s ear canals ramp up production ear wax to drive out the ear mites and cause a discharge that can resemble coffee grounds.
Valley Fever in Dogs
Valley fever is caused by the inhalation of a species of fungus called Coccidioides that thrives in the soil of semi-arid regions with warm winters. This fungus is found primarily in the southwestern United States.
Symptoms of Heartworm
Heartworm is a deadly parasite spread by the bite of a mosquito. The symptoms of heartworm becoming increasingly severe as the damage progresses. This damage is not fully reversible making prevention or early treatment critical.
The Giardia Parasite in Dogs
Symptoms of giardia in dogs include diarrhea, maldigestion, and malabsorption. The infection can be a minor nuisance or a royal pain to treat and totally clear.
Dog Nosebleed
Nosebleeds in a dog have many possible causes, just as they do in people. Some nosebleeds are simple: A dog nosebleed on one side...