What To Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate

Eating chocolate can threaten your dog’s life (or make them sick). If your dog gets into your holiday desserts, here's how to know whether your dog’s chocolate consumption is an emergency, and what to do if it is.


Most people are aware that chocolate is toxic to dogs. But how much is dangerous? How worried should we be if our dog eats our chocolate?

The chemicals in chocolate that are toxic to dogs are theobromine and caffeine. They cause similar symptoms, though the effects of theobromine last significantly longer. Because the effects and treatment for both are similar and theobromine is far more problematic, for the sake of simplicity we can limit this discussion to the theobromine in chocolate.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs

The most common signs of toxicity from theobromine are vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, panting or restlessness, excessive urination, and racing heart rate. In severe cases, symptoms can include muscle tremors, seizures, and heart failure.

How much chocolate is toxic to dogs?

For dogs, the toxic dose of theobromine starts at 9 milligrams (mg) per pound of the dog’s body weight; this enough to cause mild signs of toxicity. At 18 mg of theobromine per pound of the dog’s body weight, severe toxicity occurs.

Dark chocolate contains far more theobromine than milk chocolate – and the darker the chocolate, the greater the theobromine content. Baker’s chocolate is by far the most toxic to dogs; fortunately, it’s also the least palatable, though some dogs will still give it a try. It contains up to 450 mg of theobromine per ounce of chocolate.

An 85% dark chocolate contains about 230 mg of theobromine per ounce. Milk chocolate contains no more than 60 mg per ounce, and chocolate baked goods are significantly lower still.

It’s not difficult to calculate the amount of theobromine that should concern you. Let’s use a 30-pound dog as an example. For the dose that would cause mild toxicity, multiply the dog’s 30 pounds by 9 mg; it would take about 270 mg of theobromine to see the onset of mild toxicity. For the amount of theobromine that would cause severe toxicity, multiply the dog’s weight (30) by 18 mg; an intake of 540 mg of theobromine would be highly toxic.

Now let’s look at some chocolates. A standard milk chocolate candy bar weighs 1.55 ounces. Multiply 1.55 ounces by 60 mg of theobromine (the amount that’s found in milk chocolate); that candy bar contains 93 mg of theobromine – nowhere close to the 270 mg of theobromine that would cause mild symptoms. Whew!

But if the same-sized candy bar was dark chocolate, your dog would have consumed about 357 mg of theobromine, which is in the dangerous range. The same amount of Baker’s chocolate is the worst-case scenario, containing just under 700 mg of toxic theobromine.

How Much Chocolate is Toxic to Dogs: Theobromine Toxic Dosages
Dog’s weight (lbs) mg theobromine that causes mild symptoms mg theobromine that causes severe symptoms
5 45 mg 90 mg Baker’s chocolate contains 450 mg theobromine per oz of chocolate

85% dark chocolate contains 230 mg theobromine per oz of chocolate

Milk chocolate contains 60 mg theobromine per oz of chocolate

10 90 mg 180 mg
20 180 mg 360 mg
30 270 mg 540 mg
40 360 mg 720 mg
50 450 mg 900 mg
60 540 mg 1,080 mg
70 630 mg 1,260 mg
80 720 mg 1,440 mg
90 810 mg 1,620 mg
100 900 mg 1,800 mg

What to do if your dog eats chocolate

dog looking at chocolate pastries
Remember, if your dog manages to counter-surf and eat some of your baked goods, the worst that is likely to happen is an upset stomach; only the chocolate ingredients – usually a minor ingredient – are toxic. © Photography by Katie_Martynova/Thinkstock.

You can almost always prevent serious problems caused by your dog’s chocolate consumption by simply inducing your dog to vomit – if you have discovered the theft quickly enough. If you catch your dog eating the chocolate, or are fairly certain she just ate it, calculate whether she’s consumed enough theobromine to justify making her vomit. If the dose approaches or exceeds 9 mg of theobromine per pound of your dog’s body weight, go find your bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The solution works as a direct irritant to the dog’s gastric lining; dogs usually vomit fairly quickly after administration.

When calculating how much chocolate your dog ate, remember that it’s just the chocolate that’s toxic. The cream filling or nuts may add to your pup’s stomach upset, but not to the toxicity caused by the theobromine.

How to Induce Vomiting in Dog Who Ate Chocolate

The dose of 3% hydrogen peroxide is small: 1 teaspoon per 5 pounds of the dog’s body weight, with a maximum of 3 tablespoons. There are 3 teaspoons per tablespoon, so the maximum dose for dogs who weigh more than 45 lbs is 3 tablespoons.

If the peroxide works its magic, your dog should vomit within two to five minutes of receiving the first dose. You’re hoping for a significant amount of chocolate vomit, so keep your dog away from carpets! If your dog vomits an amount that appears comparable to the missing chocolate, she’s almost certainly going to be fine.

If she doesn’t vomit within five minutes, it’s okay to re-dose. Then stop; do not administer more than the suggested dose, but put in a call to your veterinarian or emergency clinic.

When it’s time to get to the vet after your dog eats chocolates

Chocolate consumption can often be managed at home. There are, however, situations where medical intervention is prudent:

  • If your dog eats a toxic dose of chocolate and does not successfully vomit it back up.
  • If your dog ate a large amount – or an unknown but potentially large amount – of Baker’s or 85% dark chocolate (better safe than sorry).
  • If your dog shows signs of chocolate toxicity: agitation, tremors, seizures, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Any of the above scenarios warrant a trip to the veterinarian. It can take days to recover from theobromine toxicity, but fortunately, with early intervention and proper veterinary care when needed, dogs usually recover uneventfully.


  1. My 17-18 pound sheltie at a tube and a half of red velvet cookies. She paced and paces, and her heart rate was excessive. She was throwing up so I called the emergency vet and took her up (40 minute drive). She threw up one more time in the car about 6 blocks from the house but I kept going even though she seemed to be ok. At the vet’s they checked her out and gave her an anti vomit shot and we went home. Sure scared me and that will be her lifetime quota of chocolate!!

    • Keep a dosing syringe handy in your dog’s medicine cabinet. I had to induce once when my boy consumed some China berries.