Administer Anti-Inflammatory Drugs to Your Dog With Care


[Updated January 9, 2019]

When the Norwegian Elkhound rescue came to me and my husband, she couldn’t climb stairs. Attempts to lift the old dog resulted in snaps at our hands. Radiographs revealed that she had severe hip dysplasia and an unrepaired pelvis, broken when she was hit by a car sometime in her past. As a result, Shadow had crippling arthritis. On good days, she would lie in the sun without panting from pain; on bad days, her stiffness rendered her incontinent. We observed her misery and wondered what could be done.

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Our veterinarian prescribed Rimadyl®. Within a few days, Shadow was running in the yard, playing with the other dogs. She bounded up the steps on her own and we no longer had to clean up urine puddles where she napped. The improvement was amazing, so for months, we kept Shadow on a twice-daily dose of the popular canine drug.

One morning we found vomit around her bed. She refused to eat or drink and had to be carried outside, where she laid down instead of emptying her bladder. A rushed visit to the veterinarian and blood tests indicated that Shadow’s liver enzymes where elevated “off the charts.”

Shadow’s liver failure was so extreme, her condition was hopeless. In complete shock, we gave our permission for Shadow to be euthanized.

Because stories about Rimadyl-related deaths were making pet news, we asked if the arthritis drug could be responsible. Our veterinarian was uncertain.

What is certain is that between 20 to 50 percent of older dogs develop osteoarthritis. And, as with human arthritis sufferers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help dogs by reducing the inflammation caused by arthritis, thereby relieving stiffness and discomfort. In many veterinary clinics the recommended therapy may be Rimadyl®, EtoGesic®, or Deramaxx™. But, like all medications, these drugs can cause serious side effects, and should not be used without a thorough understanding of their risks.

A Safe Everyday Painkiller for Dogs: Too Good to Be True?

In January 1997, when carprofen was first introduced by Pfizer to the veterinary market as Rimadyl, it appeared to be nothing less than a wonder drug. Initial trial results indicated that dogs who were given the drug had increased mobility and decreased pain, and indeed, many dog owners who sought prescriptions for their arthritic dogs were thrilled to see their beloved pets running, jumping, and playing again as they had in pre-arthritic days. Rimadyl became one of the most widely prescribed veterinary drugs of all times.

But with increased usage came an increasing number of reports of dogs who became ill after taking Rimadyl. The Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA CVM) tallied hundreds of “adverse drug experience” (ADE) reports noting side effects including vomiting, altered kidney or liver enzymes, loss of appetite, lethargy, increased urination, diarrhea (often bloody), weakness, confusion, and convulsions.

At first there seemed to be no cause for alarm because the side effects were common to NSAID usage and were similar to those observed during pre-approval testing. Then dogs started dying.

One of the earliest casualties was George, an arthritic Labrador Retriever rescued by Jean Townsend of South Carolina. “I’d read the brochures in my vet’s office about Rimadyl. It sounded like a miracle drug,” says Townsend, “I decided this drug would help George.”

At the end of a 10-day trial period in September of 1997, Townsend returned to her veterinarian to have the dog’s twice daily, 75 milligram (mg) prescription refilled. “George was better,” she says.

One night about 20 days later, Townsend was wakened by a “horrible scratching sound.” She found George crawling in the hall, unable to walk. The next morning, because she thought he had pulled a muscle, she gave him his usual dose of Rimadyl. That night he didn’t eat, and the following day began vomiting. Townsend took him to her veterinarian, who hospitalized the dog.

Despite aggressive treatment, George progressively disintegrated over six days at the vet clinic. Townsend visited her dog daily, but couldn’t stand to see him suffer any longer. “He couldn’t hold his head up. He’d had a blood-filled bowel movement and the whites of his eyes were yellow, his gums were yellow, his skin was yellow. I will never forget the look in his eyes – such hurt and despair,” describes Townsend. “I told them, ‘No more. I have to let him go.’ “

Townsend’s dog and others like him seemed rare exceptions. Over the next few years, thanks in part to an aggressive marketing campaign by Pfizer, Rimadyl became the drug of choice for 1 million, then 2.5 million arthritic dogs.

Center for Veterinary Medicine Asks for Changes in Carprofen Labeling

By December 1999, a CVM update noted that the CVM had received “a substantial number” of ADE reports for carprofen. In fact, a full 39 percent of the ADE reports in 1998 involved Rimadyl – some 3,626 cases – “considerably more than that received for other animal drugs.” Of these, 13 percent (about 471 cases) resulted in the death or euthanasia of the dogs.

Based on the early ADE reports for Rimadyl, CVM veterinarians met with Pfizer representatives and made several suggestions for changes to the product’s labeling and package inserts. Accordingly, Pfizer issued “Dear Doctor” letters to veterinarians, Animal Health Technical Bulletins detailing “Clinical Experience with Rimadyl,” and patient handouts. New information was inserted into the “Adverse Reaction” sections of the product label.

Because of the possibility for adverse reactions, Pfizer began to (and continues to) recommend that, prior to treatment, dogs be given a complete physical examination, including baseline blood tests. Owners are also advised that periodic monitoring should be done while their pet takes the drug.

One CVM veterinarian went so far, in a January 2000 article in DVM Magazine, to suggest that (in his own opinion) a complete blood profile be taken monthly as long as a dog is given Rimadyl. This is not the CVM’s present recommendation, however. “The labeling has recommendations for baseline testing for preexisting disease and periodic monitoring, which should be determined on a case-by-case basis,” says Dr. John D. Baker, Acting Team Leader in the CVM’s Division of Surveillance.

The use of Rimadyl continues to increase. Today, an estimated 4 million dogs in the United States are given the drug.

Adverse Drug Experience (ADE) Reports

Veterinary drugs are approved and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA CVM). The CVM reviews premarket studies of animal medications, approves drugs it deems safe, and oversees the drug makers’ reports of these studies, which are required in the product package inserts for consumers’ review.

However, not all problems with a drug will surface during premarket approval studies. This is due to several factors. First, trials for canine drugs usually have fewer subjects than do those for human drugs, sometimes 80 percent fewer. Also, many studies run for only a few days or weeks, less time than patients normally take the drug. And dogs in the test studies are typically healthy, young dogs, most under two years of age. Since osteoarthritis is a condition most often found in senior dogs – dogs whose bodies may not metabolize drugs as efficiently or who are more likely to have multiple health issues – drug trials conducted using young dogs may not accurately predict what problems might occur with older dogs.

To augment the information provided to consumers regarding the drugs’ premarket studies, the CVM also maintains a database of “adverse drug experience” (ADE) reports. These reports are provided voluntarily by veterinarians and even dog owners (“direct” reports), whose patients or pets have suffered an unexpected or unwanted side effect while taking a drug. If a drug maker is informed of an ADE by a vet or dog owner, federal law requires the company to forward the report to the CVM (“manufacturer reports”).

According to the CVM, the primary purpose for maintaining the ADE database is to provide an early warning or signaling system for adverse effects not detected during premarket testing of FDA-approved animal drugs and for monitoring the performance of drugs not approved for use in animals. The CVM is also clear about what the ADE data should not be used for: making direct correlations between the adverse experiences and any involved drugs. According to the introduction of each year’s ADE report,

“For any given ADE report, there is no certainty that the suspected drug caused the ADE. This is because veterinarians and animal owners are encouraged to report all suspected ADEs, not just those that are already known to be caused by the drug. The adverse event may have been related primarily to an underlying disease for which the drug was given, to other concomitant drugs, or may have occurred by chance at the same time the suspect drug was administered.”

Further, “Accumulated ADE reports should not be used to calculate incidence rates or estimates of drug risk.” In other words, the ADE reports are only “raw numbers,” with no conclusions drawn from the data. Reports may be influenced by a variety of factors including the prevalence of dogs using a drug, number of cases reported, time that has passed since introduction of the drug, and even public perception of a drug’s risks.

More NSAIDs for Dogs Enter the Market

Rimadyl wasn’t the only canine NSAID on the market for long. EtoGesic® is the NSAID entry of Fort Dodge Animal Health, a division of pharmaceutical giant Wyeth. The drug, etodolac, known as Lodine in its human application, was tested and approved for veterinary use in 1998. Fort Dodge claims the drug causes fewer adverse reactions than other NSAID drugs, and notes as a benefit that the drug is given only once a day. Today, according to Fort Dodge, about 1 million dogs take EtoGesic.

The events in the first years following the drug’s approval resembled Rimadyl’s. As the number of dogs who were given EtoGesic increased, so did ADE reports. As with other NSAIDs, its most frequently reported side effects are vomiting, loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea, lethargy, altered liver and kidney enzymes or function, dry eyes, convulsions, and death.

Within two years of the drug’s approval, Fort Dodge was advised to distribute “Dear Doctor” letters and revise the product’s labeling to strengthen the cautions and warnings to veterinarians and dog owners. The “Dear Doctor” letters asked veterinarians to consider baseline lab tests before prescribing EtoGesic and to recommend periodic monitoring tests. A Client Information Sheet was also provided for client handouts.

Despite its smaller market penetration (compared to Rimadyl), in 1999 the CVM listed EtoGesic as the third most commonly reported drug for adverse experiences, detailing 492 ADE reports.

Like Pfizer, Fort Dodge Animal Health continues its veterinarian and dog owner education efforts. Responding to our questions, the company released the following statement:

“The comments you listed including veterinary examinations for proper diagnosis and appropriate prescribing, blood tests for patients, and client education on the importance of early detection of side effects and ongoing veterinary monitoring, are all important issues to assure a beneficial experience with any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).

“Another consideration is to give the NSAID with food. Studies show EtoGesic is readily absorbed with or without food. Owners have found that providing it during feeding is convenient and may help reduce short-term GI upset post-administration. In a study evaluating the development of GI lesions by endoscopy, no significant difference between EtoGesic and the placebo was found over a 28-day dosing period.

“We also stress the importance of regular patient monitoring by a veterinarian and client education. Fort Dodge Animal Health provides education materials to both veterinary clinics and dog owners to provide them with the most current information on the safety, efficacy, and benefits of EtoGesic for the management of pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis in dogs.”

New Hope or New Problems?

Now there is an even newer NSAID. In 2002, Novartis introduced Deramaxx™. Although the product’s initial CVM approval was for post-orthopedic-surgical pain, with treatment lasting five to seven days, expectations are that extra-label approval for treatment of chronic osteoarthritis will be complete by this summer. The drug, deracoxib, is nearly identical in chemical structure to Celebrex, a human arthritis drug in the new COX-2 class of NSAIDs.

Most NSAIDs inhibit the production of two forms of an enzyme called cyclooxy-genase (COX-1 and COX-2), which catalyzes the first two steps in the biosynthesis of agents that result in inflammation. According to their manufacturers, COX-2 drugs inhibit only the COX-2 enzyme, which appears to play a larger role in causing inflammation, and interfere less with the COX-1 enzyme, which appears to be more responsible for normal physiological functions such as maintenance of the gut mucosal barrier, blood clotting, and kidney function. Theoretically, by blocking only the COX-2 enzymes, the COX-1 enzymes are free to work as usual, resulting in fewer side effects such as gastric ulcers or renal failure.

Promising as this sounds, considering its short career, there have been a surprising number of ADE reports filed on Deramaxx. From its introduction (including approved and extra-label use) in August 2002 through mid-February 2003, the CVM received more than 100 ADE reports involving Deramaxx.

The adverse experiences are typical for NSAIDs: vomiting, inappetence, lethargy, and altered kidney and liver enzymes. According to a CVM coordinator, death is eighth on the list of side effects reported in the ADEs. If dogs who were euthanized are added to the total of dogs who died, it jumps to third on the list.

However, until estimates of the number of dogs who have taken the drug are tallied, it can’t be known what percentage of dogs have experienced side effects. Until then, Novartis can only observe the trends provided by the ADE reports.

According to Dr. Guy Tebbit, Vice President of Research and Development at Novartis Animal Health, the trends that its “pharmaco-vigilance” team has witnessed so far indicate that the drug is performing in line with its makers’ expectations. “What we have seen thus far has been very normal,” says Dr. Tebbit. “It’s tracking right along the lines for the information on the label that accompanies the drug.”

According to Dr. Tebbit, Novartis has no current plans for altering the label warnings or information sheets that accompany the drug, since, thus far, Deramaxx is behaving as expected and as already described on the current labels. “If we saw a trend in the ADEs that was different from what we expect, then we would have to sit down with the FDA and agree to new label language. But, so far, the trends we are seeing are very consistent with the existing labeling,” he says.

Dr. Tebbit adds, “We’re delighted with the drug and its performance. We have a lot of confidence in Deramaxx – confidence derived from our experience with it in our pre-market testing. We are very happy with the results.”

Understand the Drugs You’re Giving Your Dogs

The moral of the story is to make certain you – your dog’s guardian – completely understand the potential for benefits and risks of the medication prescribed by your veterinarian. In order to do this effectively, you need to read and understand the product label, or be thoroughly briefed by your veterinarian (who should read and understand the material).

Unfortunately, busy veterinarians may fail to give a new product more than a cursory look at its insert information. Most vets are happy to be able to offer effective products for keeping their patients comfortable. And unless one of their own patients suffers a drug-related complication, some veterinarians may not closely review the information listed for the products’ contraindications, precautions, and adverse reactions.

Even a curious, committed veterinarian or dog owner who reads all the manufacturers’ literature describing the veterinary drugs may be unable to successfully interpret the statistics regarding the drug’s premarket studies. Most of the pharmaceutical companies do not publish actual numbers of ADE reports, but express the cases in ratios – a practice (intentional or not) that minimizes the impact of the actual number of problems.

For example, Pfizer’s reporting (in its August 1999 Technical Bulletin on Rimadyl) that death was reported in 1.8 cases per 10,000 dogs treated with Rimadyl in 1997. In the same report, the company claimed Rimadyl had been (at that time) prescribed for more than 2.5 million canine patients. If the 1997 ratio held, one could extrapolate that as many as 450 of those 2.5 million dogs could have been expected to die as a result of being given Rimadyl.

The CVM, at least, uses actual numbers, not ratios, when expressing the ADEs for veterinary drugs. The CVM ADE reports on carprofen (Rimadyl) break out 371 canine deaths in 1999, 470 in 2000, and 537 in 2001. Its ADE reports on etodolac (EtoGesic) for 1998 through 2001 indicate that 1,224 cases were reviewed and 135 dogs died.

NSAIDs Can Bring Tragedy for Dogs

Given that death is a potential result of NSAID use, dog owners and veterinarians alike should pay close attention to the warnings and suggestions for these and any other drug products. However, for a number of reasons, many dog owners fail to hear this information.

Veterinarians must accept some of the blame. With millions of dogs experiencing relief from the drugs, and with side effects occurring in only a small percentage of these patients, some veterinarians fail to heed the warnings or take them seriously enough to discuss them at length with their clients. Some are lax about insisting on periodic lab tests that can indicate whether problems are beginning to develop.

“Most owners are not told what the side effects are and their pets are not monitored with blood and urine tests,” alleges Shawn Messonier, DVM, owner of the Paws and Claws Animal Hospital in Plano, Texas, and author of The Arthritis Solution for Dogs.

But owners should also be held responsible for failing to practice due diligence before medicating their pets. Every drug – and every herb, homeopathic remedy, nutraceutical supplement, etc. – can cause unwanted or unexpected side effects, and owners need to educate themselves about the potential for harm before blindly accepting any treatment for their dogs.

Possible Side Effects of NSAIDs

If your dog displays any of these signs while taking any NSAID, discontinue the drug’s use immediately and get your dog to the veterinarian for tests. The majority of patients with drug-related adverse reactions recover when the side effects are recognized quickly, the drug use is discontinued immediately, and veterinary care is initiated.

Gastrointestinal problems: Signs include vomiting, loss of appetite, abnormal stools (especially bloody or black diarrhea)

Liver abnormalities: Signs include vomiting; lack of appetite; yellowing of the gums, skin, or whites of eyes; and lethargy. Lab tests reveal elevated serum bilirubin and/ or liver enzymes, and/or abnormal liver function tests. (Note: One-third of hepatic-related reports for Rimadyl involved Labrador Retrievers)

Urinary abnormalities: Signs include urinary incontinence and increased water consumption. Lab tests reveal electrolyte and fluid imbalances; renal failure may occur

Hematological abnormalities: Signs include pale gums. Lab tests reveal anemia (below-normal concentration of platelets in the blood), hemolytic anemia (anemia resulting from destruction of platelets in the blood), thrombocytopenia (abnormally small number of platelets in the blood), prolonged bleeding time. (Rimadyl is not recommended for dogs with bleeding disorders, especially von Willebrand’s disease. NSAIDs should be used only with extreme care in breeds that are at risk for von Willebrand’s disease, such as Scottish Terriers and Dobermans.)

Behavioral abnormalities: Signs include lethargy, hyperactivity, restlessness, aggressiveness

Neurological abnormalities: Signs include incoordination, seizure, paralysis

Dermatological abnormalities:Signs include pruritis (itching), increased shedding, alopecia (baldness), pyotraumatic moist dermatitis (hot spots), inflammation of the subcutaneous layer of connective tissue and fat in the abdominal wall (panniculitis) or blood vessels (vasculitis)

Stop Use Immediately If Side Effects Occur

When dogs are given an NSAID to relieve painful conditions such as arthritis or even an acute injury, it can be difficult to ascertain whether some of the dog’s abnormal behavior is due to the original condition or a side effect of the drug. But it’s critical to observe the dog carefully to determine the difference.

Lewis Fadale, of Highland, Michigan, learned the hard way. Oslo, his 12- year-old Norwegian Elkhound “pulled his shoulder” from barreling downstairs and sliding across a tile floor. Although Fadale asked his veterinarian for Rimadyl, a drug that Oslo had safely taken before for a similar condition, his veterinarian prescribed Deramaxx. “He told me it was the new drug of choice and said there were minimal side effects,” Fadale said.

After two weeks, Fadale saw no appreciable improvement in Oslo’s condition, and noticed that Oslo was stumbling, slipping, and having trouble getting up. Fadale stopped the drug and took Oslo back to the vet. Tests indicated that the Elkhound’s blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine were elevated, indicating kidney failure. Two months earlier there had been no indication of a preexisting problem when levels were normal in preoperative testing for teeth cleaning. Oslo was placed on continuous IV solutions in an attempt to stabilize him, but after 48 hours, rising levels of enzymes indicated that kidney failure was still progressing.

“He was howling in pain. The vet told me his chance of recovery was so slim that he didn’t think it was worth putting him through any more,” said Fadale, “I chose to spare Oslo any further suffering.”

Because Fadale was unaware that some of the side effects of NSAIDs could be so similar to the signs of his dog’s original problem (including lethargy and ataxia), he failed to discontinue the drug’s use early enough to save his dog. “If I had known there could be serious, adverse reactions,” he says, “I would have paid closer attention and stopped the drug earlier.”

Reducing the Risks of NSAID Toxicity for Your Dog

My husband and I had heard stories ab