
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Predictavbility is the best way to calm an anxious dog.

How To Calm An Anxious Dog: Be Predictable

If you're looking for how to calm dog anxiety naturally, make your everyday routines consistent and predictable – and watch how much calmer and less anxious your dogs become.

Dog Training for Beginners

Are you thinking about adopt your first dog? Or, do you already have a dog, but have no clue how to teach him to do anything? No worries! We’ve got dog training tips just for beginners.
woman with dog on leash

Teach Your Dog to “Leave It” Without Using a Cue

With this “leave it” training method, the thing you want your dog to leave alone or stop obsessing over becomes the cue for him to look at you.
Woman and dog

What’s Your Dog-Training “Vibe”?

The best dog-training method isn’t a method at all! For effective dog training that helps your dog learn faster, make your voice, body language, and mental state clear, confident, and inviting.
Training a dog to stay

How to Teach a Dog to Stay

A solid stay is one of the basic commands for dog training. Here’s how to teach a dog to sit and stay.

Submissive Urination and Excitement Urination

Some dogs can’t really help but urinate when they are frightened, anxious, or excited. What can you do to prevent this untimely submissive urination?
dog behind dog gate

Why Is My Dog Pooping in the House?

Nobody likes rounding the corner in the house and discovering a pile of poo. While it’s one thing to find the occasional “gift” from...
dog jumping up on you

How to Stop Your Dog From Jumping on People

Dogs naturally like to jump up. It’s one of the ways they explore the world around them, including the humans they meet. Unfortunately for our...

For Better Dog-Behavior Training: Pretend Your Dog Is a Tiger

Owners often turn to dog trainers when they’re feeling exasperated. They report that their dog has the following behavior and training issues: Has no...
giant dog breed

Training Big Dogs – A Big Responsibility

Giant-breed dogs can be a hoot. It’s fun to see them in cars, looking for all the world like bears being taken for a...
how to use a dog whistle

How to Use a Dog Whistle for Training

Dog whistles have long been used for dog training. Working retrievers and herding dogs are often trained to respond to whistle cues because the...
How to teach your dog to speak is a simple matter of teaching them to associate barking with a cue.

How to Teach a Dog to Speak

Want to teach your dog to talk? Teaching a dog to “Speak” is a simple trick, especially if your dog is already vocal. It...

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Digital Memories Can Hurt – But Time Heals

There’s every chance that you, like me, get regularly smacked in the face by a Facebook “memory" of your beloved heart dog who passed some time ago. It’s just as likely to make you smile as bring tears to your eyes.