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Fat puppy

Single Puppy Syndrome

Singleton puppies miss out on opportunities to learn basic canine communication and behavioral coping skills from their littermates, sometimes setting them up for frustration and sensitivity to handling later in life.
puppy leash training

Pup Won’t Go? Steps to Take for Puppy Leash Training

You just brought your new puppy home and you can’t wait to head out on that first walk. You’ve been picturing this happy moment...
resource guarding in dogs

Starting Young: Resource Guarding in Puppies

It might come as a shock when your sweet fluff of a baby dog suddenly and fiercely stakes a claim to the treats that...

Socializing Your New Puppy: How Much Puppy Playtime Does Your Dog Need?

In addition to planning for and providing your new pup with all the training and management she needs to learn basic good manners and...
puppy with larger dog when do dogs stop growing

When do dogs stop growing?

Although predicting your puppy’s size isn’t an exact science, a puppy-weight calculator could help guess your purebred or mixed breed’s adult weight.
new puppy tips

New Puppy Tips and Questions Answered

For the past few weeks, as I have been working on this issue, I have also been promoting my latest batch of foster puppies...

How Long To Feed Puppy Food?

If there is one thing that everyone knows, it’s that you have to start out puppies on puppy food. And then at some point...
puppy play

How To Supervise Good Puppy Play

If there’s one thing that can serve as the magic elixir of puppyhood, it’s the puppy playdate. Half an hour spent wrestling and chasing...
puppy crying

How to Help Your Crying Puppy

Gone are the days when standard advice was to ignore a crying puppy. “Ignore him,” we said, “until he stops crying. If you go...

To Buy or Adopt a Dog? What You Should Know

I got my first dog, a stray that I begged my mother to allow me to keep, when I was 9 years old. It was...

Puppy Needs New Food!

Michael Pollan, author of the best-selling books on diet The Omnivore’s Dilemma, In Defense of Food, and Food Rules, once came up with the...

Adopt or Shop

Wanna see a fight? Start a debate on social media about what’s best: adopting a dog or puppy from a shelter or rescue group...

Latest Blog

Stop looking for (or giving!) health and training advice from strangers...

Tobacco and carrots are not good for deworming a dog. This and other advice that you get from online forums and message groups is probably best discarded in favor of advice from a reputable source.