Pepto Bismol for Dogs: Can Dogs Have It & How to Use It Safely

Pepto Bismol is safe for dogs when dosed correctly.


Vomiting and/or diarrhea are no picnic for you or your dog. It’s only natural to want a home remedy that will offer relief as quickly as possible. Since Pepto Bismol helps our upset stomachs, you may wonder, “Can I give my dog Pepto Bismol?” Generally, yes, you can.

The active ingredient in Pepto Bismol and generic versions is bismuth subsalicylate, an antidiarrheal medication that can safely reduce a dog’s symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, gas, and stomach pain. Note: If using a generic version of this product, read the label to be certain it does not contain xylitol, which is a sweetener that is deadly to dogs.

Will Pepto Bismol stop my dog’s vomiting and diarrhea?

Pepto Bismol coats the irritated surfaces in the dog’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract, reducing inflammation of the stomach lining, just as it does in humans. This slows or stops the release of excessive fluid into the digestive tract, reducing the dog’s discomfort and slowing or stopping diarrhea. Be aware that giving Pepto Bismol to dogs may temporarily change the color of her poop to a gray/greenish-black color.

How much Pepto Bismol should I give my dog?

Liquid Pepto Bismol is available in original strength and an ultra-strength formula. It’s also available as caplets, liquid-caps, and chewable tablets. For accurate dosing, choose the original-strength liquid formula.

A generally accepted safe canine dose of original-strength liquid Pepto Bismol is 0.25 to 2 ml per kg of the dog’s body weight, which is 0.1 to 0.9 ml per lb of body weight. Dosage is a maximum of three to four times a day. Note: Dosing your dog may be easiest using a pet dosing syringe marked in ml (milliliters). The cup that comes with Pepto Bismol holds up to 30 ml and is awkward to use to administer the medicine to a dog.

Can I give my dog Pepto Bismol with other medications?

Do not give your dog Pepto Bismol if she receives anti-inflammatory medication (such as prednisone, carprofen, meloxicam, or aspirin), heart medication (furosemide, enalapril, benazepril), or is pregnant or nursing. Also, Pepto Bismol can interfere with radiographs (X-ray studies), so don’t use it if you are planning a visit to the veterinarian within 24 hours.

Vomiting and diarrhea are common in dogs and, often, Pepto Bismol can help, as can a short fast followed by a bland diet. If, however, your dog is markedly distressed or does not improve after 24 to 48 hours, the GI problems could be a sign of something more serious and she should see her veterinarian immediately.


  1. I tend to not make a comment because whatever would come out of my mouth would be construed as “snarky” and would only make matters worse. There was only one time I said something, and it was in a parking lot on a very hot day. There was a child of maybe 10 or 11 with a medium sized dog on hot asphalt parking lot. I told her to touch the surface with her hand and then asked her how it felt. She said it burned her hand. So then asked how might the dog feel since it was barefoot, and suggested she move to a very close shady spot. Complimeted her on her well behaved handsome dog and left.

  2. Good gracious, if I ever have to use the liquid form ever again, it will be too soon! Projectile pink vomit is really difficult to wash out of clothing! The tablets designed for children’s dosing typically come in a small, sturdy pink bottle that can survive in my purse, dog show ringside supply bag, center console pocket of my van, as well as in the medicine cabinet. Granted, my dogs have all been in the 38-55lb range, so children’s dosing is a convenient overlap. It’s a simple matter to curl the pup’s lips over the carnassial teeth (the big chewing molars) and then shove the tablets down, followed by a tasty cookie; I’d typically cover the tablets in some peanut butter, but one of my Wet Noses would roll the tablet around in her mouth, suck off all the peanut butter, then spit out the now very wet and soft pink tablet.

  3. We need to be talking about the effective homeopathic remedies, such as Nux Vomica, instead of pepto bismol. Or how about Activated Charcoal administered via liquid emulsion with syringe (no needle syringe obviously!) or plastic dropper such as a pipette.
    This article is promoting a disgusting company (P&G) and disgusting product with no true care for people nor pets. They do not even make their ingredients for this product accessible on their website!
    They are more interested in appearing to have a fancy, dynamic website with a lot of marketing fluff….typical big corporation arrogance.

  4. I remember being told by my vet to use the caplets, not the liquid. I don’t know the reason for this, but I follow his advice. Does anyone know why he might have said this?
    Anyway, I keep the caplets on hand, especially when traveling because diarrhea can strike anytime. I seldom have to dose more than twice before my dogs have a more normal bowel movement.

    • Metrics is not a UK only system. In fact the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar are the only countries that do not use it so it is kind of poor manners to expect others to post for our lack of going along with most of the rest of the world! Use any of the very easily downloadable apps to do conversion; they will help you expand your knowledge!

  5. Why is pet weight always measured in kg? Can you please also list pounds for those of us who live in the US? At least most syringes have ml as well as tsp measurements. It’s a real pain to have to look up conversions in order to get the dosage right.

  6. Not to be mean but there is no way in heck that I would ever give my little dog Pepto. There’s always “.hidden ingredients” that are not listed on label. PLEASE GO THE HOMEOPATHIC ROUTE. Google “ how to treat vomiting in dogs”. There’s a wide range of herbs, tinctures, etc. I always keep a bottle of Activated Charcoal. If you think your dog has eaten something he wasn’t supposed to…. my vet said give Hydrogen Peroxide to make her throw up and take to vet asap. My little BABYGIRL took a few nibbles off a rat bate block before I jerked it away from her. HP done the trick. She throwed up green vomit which was the color of the rat bate. Have her 1 tsp 3 times until all the green vomit was gone. Vet put her on Vitamin K and sent us home. He also said keep a bottle of Activated Charcoal on hand

  7. Each and every one of us needs a first aid kit with our dogs. Yes, to activated charcoal and most definite yes to pepto tablets.
    When your dog is sick, it’s important to observe signs and symptoms, if necessary, contact the poison hot line and have things ready to use just in case.

  8. my vet recommended that I use Kaolin Pectin for diarrhea, which has several of the ingredients of Pesto Bismol, but no aspirin. She said it is a mechanical acting substance (kaolin is a very fine clay, and Pectin is what causes jelling in making jelly) rather than a medicinal one. For my Golden, she said two tablespoons. I put it in her food and she laps it right up. It’s readily available for not very much at Tractor Supply and probably other farm stores. I keep a big bottle of it on hand.