
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Two dogs eating together from their food bowls

How Long Does It Take For Dogs to Digest Food?

Most dogs take 24 hours to digest food, but the time it takes a dog to digest food isn’t based on when he poops.
It is rumored that coconut oil is good for dogs for a number of reasons.

Is Coconut Oil Good for Dogs?

Most dogs can eat coconut oil and anecdotal reports suggest several healthful benefits. But studies suggest that its most impressive gift to dogs is reducing seizures in dogs with epilepsy.

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An Open Letter to the People with the Cat

Dear people who were out walking with their cat in the Oroville Wildlife area a week or so ago when you saw a lady and three off-leash dogs emerge from the woods. I am so sorry that we startled you