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Frame with picture of dog, collar and lily flower on white table indoors, closeup. Pet funeral

Dog Memorial Gifts

When our best friends pass away, there are many ways to keep their memories close and comforting. Personalized dog memorial gifts provide dozens of options.
Puppy playing with a shoe

How to Get a Puppy to “Drop It”

Yelling or chasing your puppy to get him to drop something dangerous is not the best choice. Here are some better strategies to stop a puppy from chewing something he’s “stolen.”

Dog-Friendly Stores

Wondering what stores are dog friendly? Here’s a list of retail stores in the U.S. that allow you to shop with your well-behaved dog.

How to Put a Harness on Your Dog

Not all dogs are happy to “get dressed.” Here’s how to gain your dog’s cooperation and comfort with putting on a harness.
Two dogs drinking from a muddy puddle

Dangers of Communal Water Bowls for Dogs

Community dog water sources can have bad things in them, so it’s best if you avoid them.

How to Teach a Dog “Place”

“Place training,” or teaching your dog to go to a certain spot on cue, or at a certain time, is easy and invaluable.

Best Dog Breeds for Seniors

Low-maintenance and low-energy dog breeds may be the answer for some older adults, but not for everyone. You need to adopt the dog you want and can handle safely.

The Dog Days of Summer

I hope you and your companion animals all survived Independence Day, the least favorite holiday of many of us dog owners. I live close...
Dog Swimming

A Few Drops of Blue-Green Algae Can Kill a Dog

Signs of blue-green algae poisoning can begin within 30 minutes of ingestion.
french bulldog

The Popularity of French Bulldogs

According to a news release from the American Kennel Club (AKC), more French Bulldogs were registered with the organization than any other breed of...

Recent News Report on Mixed-Breed Dog DNA Tests

On March 4, CBC News (Canada's publicly owned news and information service) ran a television and online report about an investigation of four companies...
Handsome stylish man standing with labrador dog in elevator

Elevate Your Etiquette: Dogs in Elevators

Prevent complaints about your dog in multi-story housing or dog-friendly high-rise offices – and keep him safe – by managing his behavior in the building’s elevators.