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What Traits Make the Best Family Dogs?
Committing to a dog should never be taken lightly; before you do, ask yourself some critical questions about your lifestyle. Though there are no guarantees, dogs with certain traits may show promise to be good family dogs with the proper training and care.
Seborrhea in Dogs
Got flaky skin? Maybe with a little odor and grease? Your dog may have seborrhea. Seborrhea is not a disease, but a description of an abnormal process occurring with your dog’s skin and sebaceous glands.
Is Neem Oil Safe for Dogs?
Although neem oil is considered safe for topical applications on most dogs, ingesting neem oil can result in excessive drooling or vomiting. If using neem oil as a pest control measure or a topical treatment it is important to prevent your dog from licking or swallowing it.
An Open Letter to the People with the Cat
Dear people who were out walking with their cat in the Oroville Wildlife area a week or so ago when you saw a lady and three off-leash dogs emerge from the woods. I am so sorry that we startled you
Can Colloidal Silver Help My Dog?
Colloidal silver is an anti-microbial that has a very long history of use. It has been shown to be effective in fighting infection, but there is controversy around colloidal silver, and around colloidal silver products for dogs.
How To Pick the Best Animal Charities to Donate To
Thousands of animal-related nonprofit organizations are vying for donations, and experts say animal lovers are ready to assist. How do you know a group is a legitimate nonprofit? How do you know your money is going to give an animal the care and support she needs?
Grateful for Dogs on This and Every Thanksgiving
It goes without saying that on a holiday devoted to gratitude, that I am grateful for my dogs. While they are occasionally a source of concern they are daily a source of amusement and affection, companionship and comfort.
Identifying Dog Hip Dysplasia
With hip dysplasia, the two parts of the hip joint don’t fit together tightly and fully. This can result in a hip dysplasia stance, and also odd gaits and limping that indicate that a vet should take a closer look.
Can Dogs Get Cold Sores?
Dogs can get a bump that looks like a person’s cold sore—that small crater-like ulcer on the inside of your lip. But, cold sores in humans are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, which cannot be transferred to or from your dog.
Can Dogs Smell Cancer?
Countless studies also show that dogs can detect certain diseases like Parkinson’s and SARS-CoV-2, along with the onset of conditions such as seizures, low or high blood sugar in diabetics, and migraines. Now, mounting evidence suggests that dogs can also play a part in detecting human cancer.
Hitting the Road: How to Choose a Dog Ground Transport Service
Anyone hired to transport, handle, or hold dogs in connection with their trip must register with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a carrier or handler. However, the registration process doesn't include animal or transport competency tests, criminal background searches, or driving history checks.
How To Potty Train a Puppy in an Apartment
Potty training a puppy is an exercise in diligence, consistency, and patience. . So how do these things apply when it comes to how to potty train a puppy in an apartment?