
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

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Download The Full July/August 2024 Issue PDF

  • Feeding a Sick Dog
  • Freeze-Dried Dog Foods
  • A Good Gut Feeling
  • Displacement Behaviors
  • Veterinary Telemedicine
  • First Time Dog Owner
  • Dog-Friendly Vacations
  • Teaching Tricks
  • Allergy Relief

Download The Full June 2024 Issue PDF

  • Unplanned Weight Loss
  • Dogs Can Get Sunburn
  • Understanding Reactivity
  • Is Your Dog Depressed?
  • Physical Therapy
  • Winning Body Language
  • Leptospirosis
  • Bully-Stick Holders
  • Stop Fence-Jumping
  • Microchip Your Dog!

Download The Full May 2024 Issue PDF

  • Taking It Personally
  • At-Home Dental Care
  • Chicken-Free Dog Food
  • Locate the Lymph Glands
  • Dog Pain Medications
  • Waist Belts for Walking
  • Dog-Aggressive Dogs
  • Large-Breed Puppy Food
  • Vaccination for Lyme

Download The Full April 2024 Issue PDF

  • Valley Fever
  • Puzzle Masters
  • Touching Your Puppy
  • Hello Kitty!
  • How Low is Too Low?
  • Progressive Platform
  • Veterinary Behaviorists
  • Wet Bed?
  • Ear Mites

Download The Full March 2024 Issue PDF

  • If Your Dog Won’t Eat
  • Carpet Cleaners
  • All About Dog Dentals
  • How to Get Pups to Sleep
  • Smart Collars
  • Dog Training for Kids
  • Hygromas
  • Looking for Dr. Perfect
  • Teach Your Dog to Relax
  • Vaccine Reactions

Download The Full February 2024 Issue PDF

  • The Foods We’d Choose
  • Hallmarks of Quality
  • Approved Dry Dog Foods
  • How Long Can Your Dog “Hold it”?
  • Loose-Leash Walking
  • “Acoustic Masking” for Sound-Sensitive Dogs
  • How Far Should You Walk Your Dog?

Download The Full December 2023-January 2024 Issue PDF

  • Gear of the Year
  • Xylitol Poisoning
  • How to Teach a Cue
  • Cushing’s Syndrome
  • You Gotta Do the Math!
  • Dog Wheelchairs
  • The Best Breeds for Kids
  • Dog Antibiotics Guide
  • Stop the Barking

Download The Full November 2023 Issue PDF

  • Ataxia Attack
  • Dietary Fiber For Dogs
  • Getting Dressed? Yes!
  • Canine Cataracts
  • Drop It Right There, Pal
  • Take Your Dog Shopping
  • Looking For Librela
  • The Wrong Class?
  • No More Nipping

Download The Full October 2023 Issue PDF

  • Why You Should Can It
  • WDJ’s Approved Canned Dog Food List
  • How To Give A Pill
  • Chaos At The Door?
  • The Best Dog Gates
  • Canine Influenza
  • Types of Training
  • The Best Training Treats For Puppies
  • Starting From Scratch

Download The Full September 2023 Issue PDF

  • Care for Heat Stroke
  • Found a Stray Dog?
  • Boundary Training
  • Rope Toys are Dangerous
  • Worms and Deworming
  • Dental Extractions
  • Confidence-Building
  • Stuck in the Middle
  • Teach Your Dog to Heel
  • Best Dogs for Seniors
  • The Agony of Dog Feet

Download The Full July-August 2023 Issue

  • Lyme Disease
  • Puppies and Kids
  • Kennel Cough
  • Still Feeding Puppy Food?
  • Prevent Broken Nails
  • Find a Great Trainer
  • Anesthesia Recovery
  • Paw Protection
  • Crying All Night?

Download The Full June 2023 Issue PDF

  • Fresh Kibble?
  • A Sudden Tilt
  • Managing Bitey Puppies
  • Top Dog-Walking Gear
  • Weirdly Colored Poop
  • Alternatives to “Cones”
  • The Hand that Feeds
  • Mushroom Poisoning
  • Prepare for your Puppy
  • Shaving Against Advice
  • Foam with his Coughing