
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Dog Food Information

Feeding a Vegetarian Diet

Dogs can exist as vegetarians, but making the diet complete and balanced" requires owner commitment and diligence. Tamara McFarland

Dog Food Manufacturers and The Food Labeling Skepticisms

Frequently, we hear things about dog food companies that would curl your hair. And rarely, if ever, can we print anything we hear, because much of it is unverifiable and perhaps even untrue – lies made up or part-truths distorted by unhappy consumers or unscrupulous competitors. We take this stuff with a grain of salt.

Veterinarian-Prescribed Dog Foods

An examination of veterinarian-prescribed dog foods that purport to prevent or treat disease, and over-the-counter foods that promise to "promote" improved health. Medical diets are the ones formulated for dogs with health problems, from vexing but garden-variety conditions such as itchy skin or digestive issues, to more serious health problems such as cancer or kidney disease. Some of these foods are what we'll call veterinary diets" (available only from veterinarians); the rest are over-the-counter (OTC) products

Commercial Dog Food or Homemade?

Everyone who cares about their dogs wants to feed them good food." By and large

A Special Food for Every Dog?

When it comes to choosing a dog food, the number of choices currently found on the shelves is nearly overwhelming. Thanks to niche marketing – a position from which an opening in a market can be exploited, or a specialized but profitable segment of a commercial market – the production of dog foods is following the trend in human products for increasing specialization. There really is something for everyone: big dogs; medium dogs; small dogs; working dogs; dogs with tender tummies, stinky breath, or itchy feet; couch potatoes and elite athletes – all dogs can get a diet specifically designed just for them.

Letters 02/02: A Grape Mystery

which includes as many follow-up calls as necessary. To consult the APCC

Focusing in On The Main Ingredients in Commercial Dog Foods

Commercial dog foods today contain anywhere from two to dozens of main ingredients, as well as vitamins, minerals, preservatives, and other additives. People have become sensitized to the presence of certain ingredients that have a bad reputation – some deservedly, some not. Let’s take a closer look at some of the “controversial” ingredients in dog foods. We have included several ingredients that we’ve seen pet food manufacturers either hype (in the case of ingredients they use) or denigrate (in the case of their rivals’ ingredients). We’re not going to address the hype, pro or con, but just tell you the facts.

The Facts You Need Before Feeding Your Dog a Fiber Regiment

There has been renewed interest in fiber as a dog food ingredient. One pet food manufacturer published an article on the Internet condemning beet pulp in dog food as unhealthy, if not downright dangerous. There is a lot of myth and misunderstanding concerning fiber, so let's take a closer look at this controversial ingredient.The term fiber" (or "roughage") applies to complex carbohydrates that are resistant to mammalian digestive enzymes

The Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Milk

My dog drinks about a half-cup of organic milk (same as I drink) with his evening meal. He is a strong, healthy 10-year-old dog, and has never had any problems with arthritis or digestive troubles. My husband, though, is certain that milk is bad for dogs. I look at my dog and feel certain I've been doing things right; he looks great. Is there any reason to discontinue his milk?

Pet Food Labeling Regulations – Know The Facts!

Virtually every dog food on the market complies with the labeling regulations and meets the nutrient standards suggested by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO); go look at the fine print on your dog’s food label. It will have one of two statements on it, indicating which of two AAFCO standards it supposedly met: either a “feeding trial” or chemical analysis of the food. The problem is, that particular food may have passed neither test itself.

Iams vs. Nutro: An Update

It’s unfortunate that The Iams Company was not given the opportunity to provide relevant background information and a scientific point of view prior to...

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Digital Memories Can Hurt – But Time Heals

There’s every chance that you, like me, get regularly smacked in the face by a Facebook “memory" of your beloved heart dog who passed some time ago. It’s just as likely to make you smile as bring tears to your eyes.