
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Environmental Hazards

Toxic Lawns?

We all love seeing our dogs run and frolic on turf – but we seldom consider the chemicals that may be dangerous to their health.

Safest Canine Seat Belts

Your kids always buckle up, and you usually do. It's time to take the next step, and get that dog a seat belt. We'll tell you which one is a winner.

Dog Poop and the Environment

In previous issues Whole Dog Journal reviewed products designed to make picking up dog poop easier. We also compared some commercial poop bags

A Closer Look At Poop Bags

Non-dog folks turn pale at the thought. But responsible dog owners, knowing how important it is to clean up after our dogs, think nothing of reaching down and picking up a fresh, fragrant pile of Fido's feces with our hands. Oh, not our bare hands, of course, but often with nothing more than a couple of millimeters of flimsy plastic between epidermis and excrement. No big deal. Until, that is, one of those handy plastic bags breaks. Intrepid as committed poop-pickers may be, even we will blanche at the thought of . . . well, you can imagine.

Electronic-Collars – Opinions Often Vary

Because we feel deeply that dog training should be pleasurable and effective, and because we have personally witnessed innumerable successful demonstrations of completely pain- and fear-free training, we have taken the position that training tools and methods that inflict pain are inferior (a strong word, we know) to those that do not.

Latest Blog

The “My Last Dog Was Perfect” Syndrome

At some point, our “last dogs” become our sainted, perfect last dogs. Their behaviors are remembered fondly, with humor—unlike the painful or messy behaviors we are dealing with our new naughty puppy.