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Advanced Positive Dog Training Terms and Techniques

such as going through a series of "weave poles."üPremack exercise: To get the prize

Dogs Playing in The Garden

Whether you are starting with a new garden or revamping an already existing garden, taking the time to develop a design or plan that incorporates your dog’s needs can save you a lot of grief. Exactly how do you incorporate your dog’s needs into a garden plan? Begin, as with any garden design, by identifying how the yard is used – in this case, how your dog uses it.

Car Restraints for Dogs

Every day, people load their dogs into cars for trips to the vet or dog park, to run errands, visit friends, or to take day trips. We advocate keeping your dog restrained at all times when he’s traveling with you. The best form of protection is a crate, securely strapped or, better yet, bolted down to keep it from shifting. If your dog’s crate is too big for your car, a doggie seat belt is our recommended alternative.

Canine Class for Aggressive and Problematic Dogs

the focus is on gradually teaching dogs new and more appropriate responses to increasingly proximate contact with other dogs. Pupils begin learning new skills behind visual barriers

Finding The Best Boarding Option for Your Dog

When deciding what to do with your dog while you are out of town, be honest with yourself about his or her personality. Does she have special needs, such as health concerns, exercise requirements, or behavioral issues? How does she handle change? How does she react to strangers? How important is her daily routine?

Dogs are Body Language Communicators

Dogs are, first and foremost, body language communicators. While they do have a limited ability to communicate vocally, they are much more articulate with their subtle body movements, and much more intuitively able to understand ours. As Patricia McConnell says in the introduction of her excellent book, The Other End of the Leash, All dogs are brilliant at perceiving the slightest movement that we make

Why Force-Based Training Methods Are Not Advocated

or because she's not sure what you want her to do; either way

Training Advice

What to do when spouses disagree about the dog, big dogs get more and more aggressive on walks, and two dogs can’t live together peacefully.

Choosing the Correct Sized Dog is Key

There are two kinds of dog people in this world: small dog people, and dog people who haven't yet met and fallen in love with the right small dog. I used to be a big dog person. I once owned a St. Bernard, and dreamed of owning an Irish Wolfhound. "Give me a big dog, a thumpin' dog," I used to say, referring to a dog who could withstand heavy patting. All my life, I looked disdainfully down on yappy little foo-foo dogs and the wimpy people who owned them.

Dogs Communicate Well Both Verbally and With Body Language

You may not want to hear it, but your dog is trying to tell you something. We’ll help you figure out WHY he is barking and how to get him to stop. Who says dogs can’t talk? In less than 30 minutes, I had been treated to five audible canine communications, each with a clear and distinct meaning and purpose. While dogs are, indeed, exquisite body language communicators, they are no slouch in the vocal communication department.

Commercial Dog Food or Homemade?

Everyone who cares about their dogs wants to feed them good food." By and large

Canine Agility Training: The Ultimate Team Sport

By now, if you're into dogs, you've probably heard about agility. Maybe you've even seen it in action or tried it with your dog. Agility is one of the fastest growing dog sports in the world, and with good reason – it's fun! Of all of the dog things I've done