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A dog training platform is used to train a dog to stay.

What Is a Dog Training Platform?

Many trainers use a platform or a box, also called a “place board,” to help a dog understand the concept of remaining in a designated spot. It is is a low, stable surface that is used to help a dog learn to stay in the same spot while changing positions or to learn a formal “stay.”

Dog Training for Beginners

Are you thinking about adopt your first dog? Or, do you already have a dog, but have no clue how to teach him to do anything? No worries! We’ve got dog training tips just for beginners.
Choosing to use respectful dog training language with your dog is important for both training and your relationship.

Words Matter: Respectful Dog Training Language

Why the words you use make a difference in your relationship with your dog – and perhaps even the success of your dog training program.
group dog obedience training

5 Tips for Group Dog Obedience Training

Those of you who have just emerged from your first-ever group dog obedience training class have my sympathies. For the unprepared, that experience can...
How quickly do dogs learn? That depends on a variety of factors, but dog training is not a one and done thing.

How Quickly Do Dogs Learn?

Can dogs learn everything they need to know in one eight-week puppy kindergarten or basic obedience class? No. That’s just a small part of your dog’s education.
Puppies are cute, but first time dog owners may not be aware of all they need to know.

What to Know as a First Time Dog Owner

Getting a dog of your own for the first time is a big step. If you're a first time dog owner you need to remember that you're taking responsibility for a living being.

What Are “Zoomies” and Why Do Dogs Exhibit This Behavior?

When your dog races around at top speed, seemingly unprovoked and with a wild look in her eye, she hasn’t gone mad – she has a case of the “zoomies!” This is usually a sign of a happy dog, but be aware: Zoomies can also indicate that your dog is stressed.
A black labrador retriever pays close attention to its owner's hand command.

How To Train a Deaf Dog

Training a deaf dog requires patience and consistency, just as training a dog who can hear does. While replacing the verbal “sit” with a...
diane pach

Is Dog Agility Right for You and Your Dog?

It’s easy to start dog agility training right at home – all you need are a few jumps and the right attitude.
Walks and other activities are good mental stimulation for dogs.

The Importance of Mental Stimulation for Dogs

Dog or human, nobody likes being bored. While some boredom is inevitable—this is, after all, real life we’re talking about—proper mental stimulation for dogs...
Nervous dog sitting by owner's leg

How to Build Confidence in a Fearful Dog

Tips for helping your insecure, fearful, or so-called “submissive” dog gain confidence to improve the quality of her life.

Canine Sports: Competitive Obedience

You could hear a pin drop. The bleachers and chairs are jammed with an audience holding its collective breath as the handler-dog team on the floor completes their final exercise in the American Kennel Club's (AKC) National Obedience Invitational, an annual event that tests the best in the sport. The team that wins this final round has competed for several days in multiple classes, demonstrating the mental and physical stamina, as well as the training chops