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Allergies in Dogs
Dogs with allergies are itchy and may incessantly lick or scratch at their skin. Learn about seasonal allergies, the most common food and environmental allergies in dogs, and how to alleviate your dog's itch.
Dog Food for Skin Allergies
If your dog suffers from skin allergies, choosing the right food can make a difference for your dog’s comfort and health. Allergies in dogs are a common concern from pet owners and can cause itchiness, red patches, hair loss, inflammation, and secondary skin infections.
Dog Eye Allergies vs. Infections
Deciding if your dog has an allergic eye reaction or if he is starting with an infection is difficult. Unfortunately, eye problems can go from minor to very serious very quickly.
Kangaroo Dog Food, a Potential Solution for Food Allergies
Kangaroo meat, sourced from wild kangaroos native to Australia, is a red meat that has been used as staple in the diets of indigenous Australians for centuries. With its lean protein content and rich nutrient profile, kangaroo meat has gained popularity as a premium protein source for dogs.
Fall Allergies – and Planning Ahead
My dog Otto (now resting in peace) used to get a flare-up of allergies every spring. His body knew before any human in our...
(Canine Allergies tip #1) Canine Allergies
Over a lifetime, chronic allergies can leave dogs depleted and irritable, with low-level infections constantly breaking out on their skin, feet, and in their ears; worn front teeth (from chewing themselves); and smelly, sparse coats that neither protect them well from the elements nor invite much petting and affection from their owners. Chronic allergies can also deplete an owner’s time and financial resources - especially if the owner fails to take the most effective path to helping her dog.
(Canine Allergies #3) Properly Diagnosing Your Dogs Allergies by Nancy Kerns
There are a few different types of tests available that purport to identify the allergens to which a dog is hyper sensitive; some of them are helpful and some are a waste of time and money. Since all of them are commonly referred to as “allergy tests,” few people know which ones are credible, and which ones are not. The following is a brief description of the types of tests available for allergy diagnosis.
(Canine Allergies tip #2) Will a Home-Prepared Diet Help Allergies?
Most holistic veterinary practitioners recommend switching any itchy dog to a complete and balanced home-prepared diet containing real foods. This will decrease the dogs exposure to unnecessary or complex chemicals and give his body the opportunity to utilize the higher-quality nutrients present in fresh foods. Whether the diet is cooked or raw, the increased nutrient quality and availability of fresh whole foods will improve the health of any dog who currently receives even the best dry or canned foods.
(Canineallergies Tip #4) Canine Allergies: Keeping Candida In Check
Like all yeasts, candida thrives on sugars, including those from grains, starches, and othercarbohydrates. Beneficial bacteria (such as Lactobacillus acidophilus) metabolize sugars, which keeps candida in check by disrupting its food supply. A shortage of beneficial bacteria results in a sugar-rich environment and an abundance of Candida albicans.
Understanding Canine Allergies
Over the years I have treated literally thousands of animal patients for allergic problems, using both Western and alternative medicine methods. The more I think I know about allergies, the more I read and learn about them, the more confused I get. Nothing I have tried therapeutically works with all my patients; some patients get better with hardly any effort on my part; others finally respond to my third or fourth treatment protocol (or 9th or 10th); and some never respond, no matter what I try.
Canine Allergies: Most Common Causes, Best Tests, and Effective Treatments
Maybe this has happened to you: Youre reading or watching TV or at your computer, and your dog is lying on the carpet near you. Youre absorbed in what you are doing, but all of a sudden, you realize that your dog is licking or chewing himself, or scratching his ear with a hind paw. Hey! you say to your dog. Stop that! Your dog stops, looks at you, and wags his tail. You go back to doing what you were doing and a few minutes later, you hear the tell-tale sounds of licking or chewing or scratching again. Every dog does a certain amount of self-grooming to keep himself clean and every dog owner should be aware of how much is normal, and how much is too much, because too much is often the first indication that a dog is having an allergy attack.
All About Allergies in Dogs
There are few things that make dogs (and their veterinarians) tear their hair out like skin allergies. Skin conditions are the top cause for...